
quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2005

O assunto previsível! #2

É curial falar de vermelho, após o desaire do Sporting de hoje, mas em termos estatísticos parece que há elementos exteriores ao futebol, que jogam fora dos lotes dos convocados, relembrando a campanha do Benfica nos últimos anos, todos estes argumentos caem por terra perante as melhores estatísticas, porém, há quem enfatize a questão com números:
Russell Hill and Robert Barton of Durham University in the UK tracked success in four Olympic sports: boxing, taekwondo, Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling. In these sports athletes do not wear national colours, but are randomly assigned either red or blue. Of 441 bouts, reds won 242 and in all four sports reds triumphed in more contests. And the red advantage was higher in close encounters: 62 per cent of red-garbed competitors won these. But in pushover contests there were similar numbers of red and blue winners. "If you're rubbish, a red shirt won't stop you from losing," Barton says.
The same is true in soccer. Five teams in the Euro 2004 competition who had predominantly red in one of their two kits all did significantly better while wearing red, scoring around one extra goal per game.
Such effects could be due to instinctive behaviour, says Barton. In animal displays red in particular seems to vary with dominance and testosterone levels. Human competitors might experience a testosterone surge while wearing the colour, he says, or feel submissive when facing a scarlet opponent.