
sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2014

80´s Star Wars

Da esquerda para a direita, desmascarados, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Chewbaca, Han Solo que parece pequeno quando comparado com o elemento mais alto. Este continuava a ser o elenco principal da primeira sequela, que acabou por ser um sucesso comercial, de um dos filmes mais caros feitos por aquela altura.
Apesar de ser apontado como o melhor filme desta primeira saga, a crítica em geral dividiu a sua opinião sem consensos.

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sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2014

Great Album Covers - Rage Against The Machine

Photojournalism and Blink Art:
Rage Against the Machine,”
Photo by Malcolm Browne, 1992.

Cheap thrills or political statement? Rage Against the Machine made a whole bunch of statements with its debut record cover. The photo of a Vietnamese Buddhist monk torching himself shocks and rivets—this is album art as car crash. The 1963 photo by Associated Press correspondent Malcolm Browne received the World Press Photo of the Year award. The cover demands attention, screams political awareness, then haunts you after you turn away.
 SCENE 360

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quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2014

The Mirror

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2014

Le Corbusier's Ronchamp, Vandalized

On Friday, a nun gave warning that the Chapel of Ronchamp, considered by many to be one of the key architectural works of the last century, had been vandalized. When police arrived on the scene, they found signs of forced entry: a stained-glass window, one of many executed by Le Corbusier, was broken and a concrete trunk was missing. As Le Monde reports, the intruders had also attempted to gain entry via a door. The overall damage was, according to some, "priceless" because the stained-glass had borne an original illustration by Le Corbusier. An initial assessment from the department of historical monuments found the window to be irreparable. 
This morning the Fondation Le Corbusier, which protects the architectural and artistic works of Le Corbusier, urged that emergency measures be taken to secure the protected site. The statement, delivered by Antoine Picon, President of the Fondation, called on the Association Oeuvre Notre-Dame-du-Haut to "better protect the heritage of the twentieth century and that of Le Corbusier in particular." Picon also took the opportunity to point to the church's poor structural and cosmetic state, citing in particular "moisture problems, infiltration and poor preservation of masonry." 
Ronchamp is one of Le Corbusier's most idiosyncratic buildings. The church's design blends traditional Catholic affects (the crucifix, an effigy of the Virgin Mary) with the architect's own personal lexicon of symbols. The hand-painted, ceramic door on the church's west wall contains vague, some might say, crude symbols that have little to do with the history of ecclessiastical architecture and design. The same goes for the wall of modular stained-glass windows, which recreates medieval glazing in modernist fashion. The broken stained-glass has been reported to have been signed by the architect himself, though images of the intact window seem to contradict them. Nearly 80,000 tourists visit Ronchamp annually, while the parish continues to use the church for services.


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terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2014

Sartre - "Uma pequena bola de pêlo e tinta"

(...) A verdade é que, tal como Rousseau, Sartre não conseguiu ter qualquer tipo de coerência e consistência nas suas ideias políticas. Não houve um corpo doutrinal que lhe tivesse sobrevivido. No fim - e, uma vez mais, à semelhança de Rousseau -, nada mais deixou que um vago desejo de pertencer à esquerda e ao campo da juventude. O declínio intelectual de Sartre que, afinal, de contas, parecia, a certa altura, ter-se identificado com uma filosofia de vida apelativa, embora confusa, foi particularmente espetacular. Mas há um grande sector, entre as pessoas cultas, que exige líderes intelectuais, por mais insatisfatórios que sejam. Apesar das suas enormidades, Rousseau foi muitíssimo celebrado por altura da sua morte e depois dela. Sartre, outro monstre sacré, teve um funeral magnífico com a presença da toda a intelectualidade parisiense. Mais de 50000 pessoas, a maior parte delas jovens, seguiram o féretro até ao cemitério de Montparnasse. Para conseguirem ver melhor, algumas delas treparam às árvores. Uma delas caiu, estatelando-se precisamente em cima do caixão. A que causa queriam prestar homenagem? Que fé, que luminosa verdade queriam celebrar com a sua presença em massa? Bem podemos perguntá-lo.

JOHNSON; Paul; Intelectuais

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domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2014

Losing your job is like a dive with the sharks!