
sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2014

A Culpa em Dostoievski

(...) Bárbara correu então para a escada, seguida de Dacha. Mas mal entrou na água-furtada, soltou um grito e caiu sem sentidos.
O cidadão do cantão de Uri estava ali enforcado, atrás da porta. Sobre uma mesinha, via-se um bilhete escrito a lápis:

        Não acusem ninguém. Eu é que me matei.

Nessa mesma mesa estava um martelo, um bocado de sabão e um prego, provavelmente de reserva. A corda que servira para o enforcamento fora previamente esfregada com sabão. Tudo indicava que Nicolau premeditara o seu acto e conservara a lucidez até ao derradeiro instante.
Na autópsia do cadáver os médicos rejeitaram unanimemente qualquer indício de loucura.

Dostoievski; Fiodor; Os Demónios

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sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

Death Grips - Hacker

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Este álbum, assegura aquilo que por extensão, ainda se pode chamar de Hip-Hop, um verdadeiro assalto sónico aos limites do Gangsta Rap... esta mescla de palavras anti-establishment, apontadas a vários alvos da cultura comercial, são aqui o leit motiv.
The Money Store, dos Death Grips, foi um dos melhores álbuns de 2012, a mistura explosiva de samples em forma de break beats e loops distorcidos, sobrepostos por uma voz em perfeita pernefália bélica, não granjeiam um lugar nos tops de vendas, antes sim, um álbum de colecção para os amantes de Hip-Hop mais alternativo.

© Death Grips

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quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014

Home Spa - - Archdaily

From the architect. Home Spa is situated in Slovakia’s capital Bratislava. The key idea of our project was to create a “relaxing & chill-out spot” with 3 parking places, situated in a hilly garden behind the client’s family historical residence.

The ‘Home Spa’ is interconnected with the neobaroque object both at garage level and a green roof situated above the garage. The concept of rotation and placement of the object to a supporting wall enabled us to create a spacious covered terrace, providing the client’s with an intimate privacy so rare to find these days in the center of Bratislava.

Large garage covered with a green roofwas designed as a gallery. The first floor belongs to a relax zone – wellness with a pool, whirlpool, sauna and a tepidarium. The entire ‘Home Spa’ is visually interlinked with the garden, which flat area was made larger thanks to additional greenery while preserving all original spruces.

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segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2014

The Engineer - That´s why he is a hive of totally pointless activity, for wich we give him thanks

Os Engenheiros, na sua imagem empresarial, simpatizam com imagens de indivíduos com capacetes, réguas sobre uma mesa, uma caneta na ponta da mão, braços cruzados numa fotografia, fato e gravata. Tudo isto resulta da tentativa patética e vã, de obter um estatuto semelhante a um Arquiteto, ora nós Arquitetos somos menos formais.
Given the immense mounds of paper it produces, you would think that business would need people who know how to string a grammatical sentence together. Curiously, this is not the case: "bookish types", as they are contemptuously know, are not held in high regard. They don´t have "pratical skills"; they are "dreamers". By contrast the engineer knows how to make things. He (and it almost always is a "he") has studied mathematics, and maths, as everyone knows, is a rational science.
The Engineer, then, is in touch with reality. He gets to the heart of the matter without over-complicating things. He is contemptuous of men (and even more so women), who are by their nature unreliable and the source of endless complications. His dream is total automation, "to within a millimetre" and "in real time", created by machines built so that you only need to press a button to get the required result. The Engineer is out of sync with the rest of us. He´s funny, but not deliberately so. His eccentricities would make him a enjoyable lunchtime companion if he weren´t such an oaf.
While he waits for the day when all life will run like a well-oiled machine, the engineer loves to solve problems. When there aren´t, he creates them. That´s why he is a hive of totally pointless activity, for wich we give him thanks. (...)
MAIER; Corinne; HELLO LAZINESS, Why hard work doesn´t pay, ORION BOOKS

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